Monday, November 12, 2012

Comedy of Errors Kind of Day

This was a comedy of error kind of day. We get up and get to church late (but we did make it in time for at least half of Sunday School), then I got to sit through about half of the service before my son started giggling and I had to take him to the back till service was over. I've had a lot of bad back pain today including while sitting in service, so it was probably a good thing Evan needed to be taken out o
f the sanctuary as I needed to move around to stave off the pain anyway (sharp stabbing pain). Evan and I get back to the back of the church and sit down on a couch and Evan is still cracking up. Eventually he starts crying and I figure he's hungry (he wouldn't eat his breakfast) (keep in mind he is autistic and completely non-verbal so I have to guess), so I go across the room to the church kitchen and notice an open bag of potato chips. I pour some into a coffee cup for Evan to enjoy and eat one myself to make sure they weren't too stale and YUCKO...they weren't stale, but they were dill pickle flavored (I HATE pickles!) Got home and laid down for a while till my back stopped hurting so badly. Got up and went to the garage to untangle Christmas lights my husband and I were going to hang and when we tested them, every other section of every strand was bad. Ugh. So we couldn't hang them today. I go inside and sat down to crochet and the pattern was written wrong and the thing I was crocheting wound up being way too big and I had to pull it out and do it all over again...not once but TWICE. What a day... :)

I have been crafting lately, but it's been for Christmas presents, so I can't share what they are here without the recipient knowing what they're getting :)  I hope you all have had a happy, productive week!

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