Sunday, November 25, 2012

Mid East Prophecy Update Nov. 25 2012

So when I first began my blog a few months ago, I reached out to some bloggers whose blogs I thought were really good.  A few responses told me to keep my blog to about only crafts as I am a crafter trying to sell crafts online to supplement my disabled family's income.  I pretty much did that, but now that I'm a few months into my blog and I've seen many other craft blogs sharing things about their faith, and also the fact that this blog is called SHADES of Safhire, and that the biggest shade to this Safhire (me) is my faith, I feel the need to be true to who I am online as well as off.  I'm going to post something at least once a week that's important to my faith-life.

Bible Prophecy is another of my greatest passions (studying the Bible's ancient prophecies and how they are coming fulfilled in our modern world and watching for the soon return of Christ.)

Having said that, this week I share with you a video from one of my favorite prophecy teachers from YouTube, pastor J.D. Farag of Kaneohe, Hawaii.  I think you'll enjoy him and what he shares in his weekly Mid-East Prophecy Updates.

He takes the headlines from the world's weekly news and explain them and how they relate to what the Bible says will happen in the end of times.

You can subscribe to his Facebook Page HERE, if you'd like.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog Helen! So glad you found me :)
    Have a blessed Monday!


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