Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

I survived Christmas 2012 :)  Sorry my blogging slowed way down over Christmas time. It was a very very difficult December for us this year.  As I posted earlier, my husband was in the hospital for a week (actually 8 days). Today there are no more signs of infection and he has two stents placed in his urinary tract.  He is scheduled for a procedure to remove the kidney stone that's lodged in the ureter on January 11th.  Please pray that procedure is a success and causes no further issues (he had a kidney transplant last year so it's a more delicate issue than the normal person).  Right now he's feeling much better and he lost 25 pounds from feeling so sick from the infections. That part is good :)

My son Evan (9 years old and autistic and non-verbal) had a nasty ear infection he's still finishing up his antibiotics from. He cant' talk to tell me his ear hurts, so I have to just watch for him to hold his ears.  He developed a fever and a lot of coughing.  Thankfully he's almost over that now.

Financially things are really difficult as well. Our mortgage is behind and the bank isn't happy and it's made me a nervous wreck.  I've filed paperwork with a government program to try to save our home and we have an appointment with them on January 15th.  Please pray for that for us, if you will!

My faith is the only thing that's holding me together right now and I'm grateful for the Lord's hand on my life and that of my family.  My women's Bible study group starts back up a week from tomorrow and that will encourage me, I'm sure.  During the week of my husband's illness and since then, there's been little effort from anyone from my church to minister to him or bring a meal or something and that's been discouraging to me, but it's been a reminder that the Lord Himself is the one I should lean on and that just like me, other Christians are still living in a fallen world and are no more perfect than I am.  It was Christmas-time too and people are busy with their own families during Christmas time.  I've had friends on Facebook who were encouraging and supportive to me and that's helped. I'm trying to get and maintain a positive attitude about it all.  Letting discouragement get hold of me will only add to the problems.

A good friend from my women's Bible study group passed away after an 18-year battle with cancer. She had such an upbeat and positive attitude through the whole thing, even when she had to wear an eye patch and her speech became a struggle for her.  I will miss you, Shelley!  She is definitely with Jesus now. She was a real example for me and I won't forget that or her.

So...onward and upwards and hoping for a much better 2013! My next post will be more uplifting, I promise :)  In the effort to be 'real', I try to be as transparent as possible and when God brings me through it all, He will get the glory, and not me :)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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